I just bought my first Amazon Fire TV
A small set-top box for browsing Amazon Instant Video or
This box is really tiny, but powerful: A Quad Core CPU with 2GB RAM.
After viewing an annoying intro video, which I couldn't skip, everything worked as expected.
There is a SPMC App in the Amazon App Store, but this was not compatible with the Fire TV.
I really wanted a XBMC App on this device. I googled a lot. This is the way to do it:
- Load the actual spmc.apk from
- Load adbFire
- Install the apk with adbFire
- Buy the spmc App from the Amazon App Store for 0,00€. This app is marked as not compatible wit the Fire TV, but (the cake) is a lie. It will work.
- Now you have to sync all bought items. This will create a shortcut on the launcher.
- Some tweaks: You should disable Hardware Acceleration, this will increase the Framerate.
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